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Military, Policing & Border Forces

Through our extensive work with Military, Policing & Border Forces around the world, International SOS understands the unique operational medical requirements, command structures and detailed Health Support Plans required to support operations and exercises. 

We work closely with governments and IGOs to support the achievement of strategic outcomes, mitigate health risks for deployed forces, provide realistic first aid combat training and provide medical assistance for training exercises. 

In complex and demanding environments we deploy alongside active military forces on peacekeeping missions through our wholly owned military and humanitarian subsidiary, Iqarus.

We support military, policing and border force operations and training exercises through deployed and local Medical Services, access to 24/7 Global Medical Assistance, and robust clinical and corporate governance structures.

Deployed Medical Services to Support Regional Operations

International SOS has the local and global capacity to support missions in complex and demanding environments. We have established medical clinics in developing countries to support long-term operations, for example in Papua New Guinea and Africa. We have also rapidly deployed alongside active military forces on peacekeeping missions, for example with the Australian Defense Force, Swedish Armed Forces and NATO. We guarantee excellence even in complex operating environments by deploying medical services alongside diplomatic, military, policing and border force operations on the ground, and through our 24/7 global assistance centres around the world. International SOS also deploys medical services on patrol vessels (for the US Army in the Pacific) and on global maritime and shipping vessels.

Providing Medical Services and Supplies to the Aid and Development Sector

International SOS has an accredited and efficient medical procurement supply chain in place, operating in accordance with WHO standards and ISO 9001:2015. We support governments, Inter-Governmental Organisations such as NATO and a number of UN agencies as well as Non-Governmental Organisations, from national to state level. We have the capability to supply pharmaceuticals, vaccines, surgical and medical equipment, medical consumables, first aid supplies, medical infrastructure (full clinic fit out) and medical kits worldwide. Streamlined logistics, highly trained experts, the right cloud solutions and advanced analytics with data visualisation, enable us to provide smarter and more efficient solutions. Click below to read how International SOS can support your projects with medical supply.
Learn more about Medical Supplies

Support to Military Training Exercises

International SOS is a member of the Australian Defense Force’s Field Exercise Medical Support panel and has provided medical support to military exercises across Australia. Our unique experiences delivering medical services in remote and complex environments, combined with our 24/7 Assistance Centre in Sydney, and emergency evacuation arrangements, provides unmatched medical support for military and police training operations. We also provide first aid training in complex environments. Since 2018, over 13,000 members of the ADF successfully completed Combat Casualty Care training at Al Minhad Airforce Base (AMAB) through Iqarus, our wholly owned subsidiary delivering combat medical training for the International SOS Group. 


Iqarus specialises in delivering high standards of medical care in the world’s most challenging operating environments. Working side by side with governments, IGOs, NGOs and military forces, Iqarus delivers innovative and scalable turnkey medical solutions from an individual medic to Damage Control Surgical Units and full-scale field hospitals. However remote or high-risk the environment, Iqarus can provide a rapidly deployable solution.

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  • Operation LILIA - Solomon Islands

    Solomon Islands suffered serious civil unrest in November 2021. At the request of the Government of Solomon Islands, the Australian Government led a multinational and multi-agency support effort including police and defence personnel from Australia, Fiji, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea. The Australian Defence Force (ADF) contracted International SOS to provide primary and emergency medical support, including dedicated Aero Medical Evacuation (AME) in Honiara for all personnel supporting Operation LILIA. Our dedicated AME service recently provided a medivac from Honiara to Brisbane within 14 hours of receiving the initial request from Honiara. Within four days of contract execution, International SOS deployed a full medical team and 85kg of medical equipment and consumables to Honiara on a Royal Australian Air Force flight. Our medical team provides primary and resuscitative healthcare, medical evacuations to Australia, and has recently supported Rapid Antigen Testing of Solomon Island nationals following a recent COVID-19 outbreak. International SOS can be trusted to work swiftly and efficiently with Governments and deployed forces in their active operations.
  • Primary health, Testing and Quarantine Support Services for Australian and International Militaries and Police

    In June 2021, the Australian Defence Force (ADF) contracted International SOS to deliver health services to incoming foreign military personnel quarantining at the Bladin Village Quarantine Facility (BVQF) in the Northern Territory (NT) for Operation Talisman Sabre 2021. Our medical and quarantine support at BVQF was extended and has now provided primary and COVID-19 testing support to over 1400 international military personnel. Our medical services and COVID-19 testing and quarantine services were extended into the provision of hotel quarantine support for the ADF. Our nurses have provided PCR and rapid Antigen Testing to personnel across Australian hotels and military bases to support personnel movement across borders and into the region. To date, our services have supported the arrival of personnel from France, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and the United States for Exercise TS21, other training and exercises and the delivery of humanitarian support under Operation Tonga Assist 2022.
  • Papua New Guinea-Australia Policing Partnership

    Since 2014, International SOS has been providing Australian standard healthcare for members of the Australian Federal Police (AFP) deployed in Papua New Guinea (PNG) as a part of the Policing Partnership. Through our medical clinics in Port Moresby and in Lae, our western trained clinicians deliver primary health care, diagnostic and imaging services, and health logistics. We also have the capacity to conduct emergency medical services such as Aero Medical Evacuation, emergency resuscitation and resuscitative surgery. Our partnering relationship with the AFP is strengthened through daily on-the ground communication and monthly clinical governance meetings. We are dedicated to capacity building in support of the region, and our clinicians have provided over 6000 volunteer hours of skills-based health education programs to support the AFP’s capacity building approach in PNG.

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